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Top 10 Business Safety Stories Of 2016

block-quote-verticle-purple-bar-7x100We reviewed 2016’s business safety-related news and produced our top ten favorite stories.

by, Robert Box



1 | Video: Driving With Feet Enables Two-Handed Texting

Unfortunately, it isn’t so shocking to hear that 1 in 5 drivers admit to texting while driving anymore, especially since the latest disregard for public safety was captured on video for all to see. Read article and view video here.


2 | Fining Unsafe Workers –Has It Worked So Far?

Canada has statistics to show how the policy of fining unsafe workers is going. OSHA in the U.S. already has authority to fine workers, but hasn’t yet. Should they? Read article here.


3 | Do We Really Want OSHA To Regulate Our Entertainment?

OSHA has recently postured itself to ratchet up influence on the entertainment industry. Our article generated a great deal of discussion on the topic, and some (mostly OSHA staff) were not flattered by the discussion. Read article here.


4 |Company Owner Charged With Manslaughter For Shortcutting Safety

The fate of company owner Salvatore Schirripa is still not yet known, but he faces up to 15 years of prison for issues including OSHA violations that lead to a worker’s death. Read article here.


5 | HR Manager In Charge of Safety Sentenced To Prison

In what is believed to be an increasing trend, cases are referred to the Department of Justice for the purpose of sending company management officials to prison in order to influence company leaders to take safety more seriously. Read article here.


6 | Reeling In OSHA -Trump’s Effect On the Agency

These are ways in which the Trump administration may influence OSHA to ease away from enforcement initiatives and bolster compliance assistance initiatives. Read article here.


7 | Employers Brace For OSHA Whistleblowing App

We wrote this article towards the beginning of 2016 when the App was being developed. The App is now available for employees or the public to use to route community concerns, including unsafe work practices, to the appropriate agency. Read article here.


8 | OSHA Wants More Changes – Here’s A Sneak Preview

OSHA is proposing 19 changes and revisions to existing standards. This article lists the proposed changes and briefly explains what would change. Read article here.


9 | Is The OSHA Officer Real? Here’s How To Spot The Scammers

It’s incredible that anyone would impersonate a federal officer, but it’s even more astonishing that anyone would fall for the scam. Learn the fail-safe ways of spotting OSHA scammers. Read article here.


10 | Are Carnival Rides Really Safe?

We’re not talking about Disney World or Six Flags, this article questions the safety of traveling carnivals. We review what the problem issues are, some recent carnival ride incidents, and what you can do to ensure your safety if you choose to risk climbing aboard a carnival ride. Read article here

Safety First Consulting is a contributor of SM Corridor News and helps businesses identify OSHA compliance issues in their workplaces, manage their safety programs, and we become accountable for the results. In addition to offering custom written safety programs for companies, Safety First Consulting provides required safety training, industrial hygiene sampling, noise sampling, and workplace inspections. You can read more from Robert Box under Business.

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