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SMCISD Mobilizing to Assist Families

SMCISD Mobilizing to Assist Families

Throughout the Memorial Day weekend flooding, San Marcos CISD has been working with the City of San Marcos and Hays County to help bring citizens to safety and comfort. Members of the SMCISD Transportation Department helped evacuate those community members who were in danger, and the Custodial Department opened the Maria Hernandez Elementary School as a shelter when the San Marcos Activity Center filled to capacity with evacuees.
Based on consultation with the Hays County emergency management officials, San Marcos CISD remained on a normal school schedule for Tuesday, May 26, 2015, thereby providing meals to students and allowing campus personnel to start the process of assisting families as soon as possible.
“We wanted to provide as much of a sense of normalcy as possible for our students,” said Superintendent Mark E. Eads, “following such a devastating weekend.”
Each campus has begun a list of names and contact information for all of their parents who need assistance. Designated persons at each school helped with immediate needs through the Rattler Closet.
The San Marcos Emergency Command Center will established a volunteer site for those who want to help families impacted by water and a donation site on Wednesday. San Marcos CISD will have staff available at these sites to help families.
Superintendent Eads adds that the Transportation Department expects to have delays in the normal bus schedule this week. “We will be picking up students from hotels, the designated shelter, and displaced locations as parents call in the locations to the district. We expect to provide delivery service to all those in need,” he said.
The district is also working to help any staff members who are impacted. In the Child Nutrition Department alone there were nine employees and their families who were affected. According to Child Nutrition Director Mike Boone, five staff members lost everything, escaping with just the clothes they were wearing. Another two members lost their vehicles, and two had substantial damage to their residences. “We’ll do everything in our power to help them,” Boone said.


The District will continue to provide updates on the website at www.smcisd.net.

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