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Buda City Council Votes To Put Fluoridation On Ballot

The surface water portion of Buda’s water supply had been continuously fluoridated since the City became a GBRA (Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority) customer in 2002.

In a 5-2 vote during Tuesday’s City Council meeting, the Buda City Council decided to put the issue of whether or not to fluoridate the City’s water supply to a vote on November 7, 2017.     

Fluoridation of the water will not take place until the outcome of November’s vote.  

The surface water portion of Buda’s water supply had been continuously fluoridated since the City became a GBRA (Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority) customer in 2002 up until November 2015 when the GBRA stopped fluoridating this supply source at the San Marcos treatment plant.


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