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Buda Under Water Restrictions Due To Water Tank Repairs

Water Conservation Restrictions
Beginning April 15th, the City of Buda will enact a mandatory city-wide Stage Three Water Conservation Period for approximately 45 days. This is due to maintenance improvements to a ground storage water tank. Hand held watering will be allowed on your watering days. The use of automated irrigation systems is strictly prohibited. There will be zero tolerance during this period and fines will be issued for non-compliance. Thank you for your cooperation during this time.

Special Conservation Notice April 2015

Waste of water is prohibited, including any of the following:
  • Failing to repair a controllable leak, including a broken sprinkler head, a leaking valve, leaking or broken pipes, or a leaking faucet; OR
  • Operation of a permanently installed irrigation system with a broken head, a head that is out of adjustment and the arc of the spray head is over a street or parking lot, or a head that is misting because of high water pressure; OR
  • Any irrigation that allows water to:
  • Run off a property and form a stream of water in a street, gutter, ditch, drain, creek or any other natural or man-made water course for a distance of 50 feet or greater; OR
  • Pond in a street or parking lot to a depth greater than one-quarter of an inch; OR
  • Run off from a property onto adjacent properties
Irrigation is only allowed using a hand-held hose, soaker hose or drip and must adhere to the once-per-week watering schedule, but only before 10am, and after 7pm:
  • Monday: Address ending in 0 or 1
  • Tuesday: Address ending in 2 or 3
  • Wednesday: Address ending in 4 or 5
  • Thursday: Address ending in 6 or 7
  • Friday: Address ending in 8 or 9
Commercial, Mixed Use and Multifamily Properties must adhere to the same address-based schedule.
  • Residential vehicle washing must adhere to the same schedule and permitted hours as irrigation, and must use hand-held bucket or hand-held hose equipped with positive shut-off
  • Charity vehicle washing is prohibited unless occurring at a commercial car wash facility
  • Filling of new swimming pools is prohibited, but make-up is allowed. Surface of pool shall be 25% covered when not in use.
  • Non-recirculating aesthetic water features are prohibited at all times; recirculating features are allowed
  • Washing of impervious surfaces is prohibited unless required for only health & safety reasons
  • Foundation watering is allowed any day at any time, but may not cause pooling or runoff

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