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BREAKING: Lehman High School Students Walk Out Of Class To Stage Protest

Additionally, there are policies and procedures that govern when campuses can be used for non-school activities.

Hays CISD Statement Regarding Lehman HS Student Protest


Today, about 150 students from Lehman High School staged a protest by walking out of the school building. The district has a dual response to the afternoon’s events.

From one perspective, the district understands the current political climate in the country and can appreciate that some students feel compelled to exercise their constitutional rights to free speech and expression.

Equally important, the district must also recognize the right of other students to have a disruption-free environment and protected classroom instruction time.

Students who chose to participate were allowed to do so without interference from staff. Faculty and staff monitored the situation to ensure the safety of the students while on campus.

Officers from the Kyle Police Department escorted the students when the protest march took to the roadway – also to make sure students remained safe. The march was a peaceful demonstration.

Leaving class without permission or skipping class is against the rules of Lehman High School and in Hays CISD. Additionally, there are policies and procedures that govern when campuses can be used for non-school activities. Many of these rules were violated by those who chose to protest.

Sometimes, individuals feel so compelled by their desires to express their views that, upon weighing the potential consequences of breaking the rules, they are willing to accept the ramifications of their actions.

That is part of the decision-making process in the choosing of when and how to stand up for what you believe.

It is the district’s hope that all students, regardless of their position on the issues or choice to participate in the protest, will use this as a learning opportunity to better understand the rights, freedoms, and responsibilities that accompany them, as afforded us in our Constitution.


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One Comment

  1. That protest was not peaceful. After the cops left, the students parked along both sides of Lake Washington, across the street from the school and blocked residents from entering the South Lake Ranch subdivision. One resident asked the students if they would please allow her to pass and these “peaceful” protestors started screaming and cussing at her and kicked her car. They frightened her child making him cry and only let her pass when they saw she was on the phone with the police. When the police arrived no action was taken against the students for harassing the resident. They should have all been arrested for public disturbance and truancy.

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