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BREAKING: Two Kyle City Council Members May Face Criminal Investigation For Possible Ethics Code Violations

Tonight, Kyle City Council will review and discuss allegations against Councilwoman Daphne Tenorio for “Misuse of Official Information and possible Ethics Code Violations.”

Council Member Travis Mitchell has placed an item on tonight’s city council meeting agenda to discuss and possibly act on the ethical violations of Councilwoman Tenorio’s alleged purchase of Kyle’s semi-professional basketball team, the Kyle Stallions.

In a letter to Kyle City Attorney Frank J. Garza, E. Chevo Pastrano, Jr. of the Pastran Law Firm, who is representing Councilwoman Tenorio, said his client was in the process of a due diligence investigation.

Pastrano said Tenorio had openly expressed interest in purchasing the “Kyle Stallions” but was in the process of a due diligence investigation to ensure she complies with the city ordinances and law requirements.

According to Kyle City Code of Ordinances, the investigation, consideration, prosecution and sanctioning ethics violations are the responsibility of the Ethics Commission.

The Ethics Commission is currently reviewing a petition for a declaratory ruling by Tenorio to the Kyle City Code of Ordinances, Chapter 2, Article IV, Div. 2, Subdivision VII, Section 2-279.

Pastrano said Kyle City Ordinances requires “the recusal of ethics commission (board) members who were nominated by Council Members Mitchell and Tenorio” for the declaratory ruling.

In his letter to City Attorney Garza, Pastrano submitted evidence of possible ethics code violations by Councilmember Mitchell himself.

According to the documents obtained by corridor news, a Texas Franchise Tax Public Information report lists Councilmember Travis Mitchell as a partner of the Mitchell Family Motor Trikes.

And, according to city budget reports, the City of Kyle paid the business a total of $1,929.66 from the general fund for Truck/Heavy Equipment Repair and Grounds Keeping Equipment on Nov. 2, 2016.

Councilwoman Tenorio’s office and Pastrano’s office have invited a criminal investigation by District Attorney Wes Mau into Tenorio’s prospective purchase of the “Kyle Stallions” and into the profits received by Mitchell’s private business from the City of Kyle.

Pastrano has asked the city attorney to remove the “Misuse of Official Information and possible Ethics Code Violations” item from tonight’s agenda.

“A city council meeting is not the proper forum to conduct a criminal investigation and criminal prosecution,” said Pastrano in his letter to City Attorney Garza. “Council Member Travis Mitchell is a member of the legislative branch of government, not the judicial branch.”


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