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City Council Addresses Crowding At River Parks

The San Marcos City Council gave direction to Parks staff to take measures to help alleviate crowding at river parks during peak season.

These measures involve moving picnic tables away from the river and drafting ordinance changes to be presented to the City Council this spring.

Council gave consensus on five recommendations presented by City staff:

  1. Move picnic sites back away from river in all river parks: (Adding 30 additional tables away from the River)
  2. On –street parking removed on Cheatham Street at Rio Vista (Weekends and holidays only)
  3. Remove picnic tables and grills on Cheatham Street (This area will be for accessing river only)
  4. No shelter/tents except in designated picnic sites (Tents can only be used over a city provided picnic table)
  5. No charcoal portable grills in city river parks (City Park to Lucio Park)

The first and third, which involve moving the picnic tables, is now underway by city staff. The other recommendations will be addressed by ordinance changes, which staff will present to Council in March or April.

The full presentation that was presented to the City Council on Feb. 21 can be found online at http://sanmarcostx.gov/modules/showdocument.aspx?documentid=21457 on pages 29-58 of the PDF.

The changes are set to be implemented in time for the Memorial Day holiday.


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