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Read Across DZ Highlighted Award-Winning Author and Student Writers

During the week, groups of De Zavala students who had “published” their own books took turns reading their books to other classes at the school.

Children’s author Bethany Hegedus visited the De Zavala Elementary School on March 2, 2017, as part of their Read Across DZ literacy celebration.

She met in the library with students to share her ideas about how to become a writer. She recommended that first and foremost, students should “read, read, read.”

Then when they were ready to write, Hegedus said they should write about things/people/ideas that they care about, and finally to tell the stories back to themselves—a process she called “drafting.”

A survivor of 9-11, Hegedus partnered with Arun Gandhi, the grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, to write two books to help children process tragic events around them and to focus on the beauty of the world. The award-winning books are Grandfather Gandhi and Be the Change: A Grandfather Gandhi Story.

She has also written other books, including Truth with a Capital T and Between Us Baxters that deal with diversity issues. A former teacher, Hegedus told the students about her writing retreat and workshop in the Austin Area that is called The Writing Barn.

During the week, groups of De Zavala students who had “published” their own books took turns reading their books to other classes at the school.

On March 2, one such group represented Christine Rofoogar’s 4th grade class, as they read their book to students in Brandi Crow’s Kindergarten class.

The 4th graders proudly displayed their book cover and biography page at the back, and illustrations throughout their books. When the reading was finished, they took questions from the listeners and discussed their books.

Grants to fund the Read Across DZ events and the author’s visit were written by De Zavala teacher Diana Garcia.


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