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Dell Children’s to Lift Seasonal Visitor Policy

Dell Children’s to Lift Seasonal Visitor Policy for Flu and Respiratory Viruses
Restrictions for Children Under Age 12 and Non-Siblings 13 to 17 End Today, March 23
With flu and viral respiratory illness cases declining, Dell Children’s Medical Center of Central Texas will lift its seasonal visitor restrictions, beginning Monday, March 23.
Last November, additional restrictions were implemented to keep patients safe during flu season, which typically runs from early November through February. That policy included verbally screening all visitors at Dell Children’s entrance and not allowing brothers, sisters and other children age 12 or younger to visit with patients. Additionally, non-sibling visitors ages 13 to 17 were not allowed into the hospital.
“Flu can be dangerous to our most vulnerable patients,” said Deb Brown, RN, BSN, MHA, Dell Children’s vice president for Patient Care Services and chief operating officer. “To ensure our young patients receive the safest care possible, we added these extra screening measures during a time of year where we see the most viruses.”
Positive flu cases have been steadily declining for the past month. Last week, out of 230 children tested at Dell Children’s, just 34 tested positive for flu.
“While we’ve seen a drop in the number of flu and respiratory virus cases, a visitor still can be sick and then sicken our patients,” Brown said. “We encourage anyone who wants to visit but may be ill to play it safe and wait until you’re healthy.”
Besides the number of cases reported at Dell Children’s last week, only 22 other positive flu cases were reported in all of Seton’s hospitals in Travis, Williamson and Hays counties. Dell Children’s will continue to screen patients for symptoms of flu-like illness upon entering the building for treatment.
For more information on the visitor policy at Dell Children’s, call (512) 324-0000 or check the visitor information section on the hospital’s website. 

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