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Hays CISD To Discuss Creating Student Advocacy Group, Could Be “Big benefit” In Bond Discussion

Agenda Item M. 3.: “The students were able to be involved in the bond discussion. These discussions often made it back to the students that they represent. These points also made it back home to the families, so it became a wonderful pipeline for information.”

Item M. on Monday’s agenda

3. Trustee Bronaugh attended the Winter Governance & Legal Seminar held March 2-4. One of the sessions he attended was “Improving Board Decisions through Student Involvement”. This session was presented by Marion ISD and demonstrated how school boards can set up a student advisory council to gather input into decisions facing the board. Every decision the board makes directly impacts students. At this time, there is no method of getting their input.

Discussion points Trustee Bronaugh would like the board to consider:

  • For information only, if the students were to be elected, they could sit in open session. This was not done by Marion ISD, but they added this when asked about closed session.
  • The group consisted of Middle and High School students
  • They started with 2 delegates from each Middle School and 2 from each High School. They just opened the High School representation to 4 per High School.
  • The delegates were approved by the Principal of each school represented. They usually used a voting process, but this was left up to each school.
  • The Student Advisory Council and no more than three Board Members, so there will not be a quorum. The discussion will include the public agenda and any issues the students may wish to bring to the table.
  • The students were recognized with a button to wear at school, and the graduating seniors had a recognition cord.
  • One big benefit that was only seen afterwards was help with their bond package. The students were able to be involved in the bond discussion. These discussions often made it back to the students that they represent. These points also made it back home to the families, so it became a wonderful pipeline for information

See full document below agenda

Hays CISD Meeting Agenda — Monday, March 20, 2017

[gview file=”https://smcorridornews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Hays-CISD-Regular-Meeting-Interactive-Agenda-3-20-2017-USE-1.pdf”]

[gview file=”https://smcorridornews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Hays-CISD-Student-Advocacy-Group-3-20-2017.pdf”]


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