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TESPA Announces Water Defense Plans At March 21 Meeting

The latest developments in the fight to protect our groundwater in Hays County go public at the TESPA Water Meeting, 6:30 p.m. Saturday at the Wimberley Community Center.
TESPA, the recently formed Trinity Edwards Springs Protection Association, wasted no time wading into the major threat to Hays County water and prosperity presented by Electro Purification’s plans to drain 5.2 million gallons a day from the heart of our water-fragile community. Just weeks after the announcement of TESPA’s founding, the group is ready to take its actions directly to the people threatened by EP’s aquifer-draining plans.
“I am excited about this public meeting,” said TESPA co-founder and local resident Jim Blackburn. “We on the TESPA team will present the surprising results of our legal research and discuss moving forward to stop the Electro Purification water development plan. I hope everyone who cares about the future health and prosperity of our area will join us.”
It’s no secret that Hays County, recently declared the fastest-growing county in Texas, has long had a serious water issue. Western Hays’ primary water source, the Trinity Aquifer, is already being depleted far faster than it can be renewed. For years county officials have sought alternate water sources for a fast-approaching shortage. Despite this, EP found a county area unprotected by any Groundwater Conservation District, and quietly acquired water rights and signed contracts allowing them to annually suck 1.8 billion gallons of water from the Trinity.
Taking so much water would quickly drain scores and eventually hundreds of local wells. That would not only ruin many homesteads, but would eventually damage property values area wide. Dozens of local organizations and thousands of citizens have reacted with signs, resolutions and outrage.
TESPA was formed to fight that threat through litigation and other legal means, and will discuss their promising progress at Saturday’s meeting. Vicki Hujsak, local resident and president of TESPA, will open the meeting with a quick overview. Blackburn will take the podium to recognize citizen members placed at the forefront of legal actions as well as the TESPA legal team to update their latest findings. The team includes Austin trial lawyer Jeff Mundy, Houston environmental lawyer Charles Irvine and Austin lawyer Vanessa Puig-Williams, who also specializes in water and environmental law.
Other water information will come from Wimberley Valley Watershed Association Executive Director David Baker and from Steve Klepfer, Wimberley businessman, former mayor and a member of TESPA.
It’s sure to be an exciting and energy-packed event. The Wimberley Community Center is located at 14068 Ranch Rd 12, next-door to Brookshire Brothers grocery, which will provide overflow parking. For information, watch the TESPA website, www.tespatexas.org.

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