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First Of Three Bond Open Houses Set For March 20

The informational sessions are open to the public and will give voters opportunities to talk to City staff about the public safety and library projects.

The City of San Marcos will host the first of three open houses next Monday to present information about the May 6 bond election. The informational sessions are open to the public and will give voters opportunities to talk to City staff about the public safety and library projects.

The first open house will be Monday, March 20 at the San Marcos Activity Center Room 3, 501 E. Hopkins, from 6-8 p.m.

Two more open house meetings are scheduled for:

  • April 12 Cuauhtemoc Hall, 1100 Patton Street, San Marcos TX 78666 6 to 8 p.m.
  • May 1 KAD Korner Store C.M. Allen Homes, 820 Sturgeon St. San Marcos TX 78666 6 to 8 p.m.

Early voting for the bond election runs from April 24 to May 2.

Information on the bond initiatives is posted online at www.sanmarcostx.gov/bondelection. 


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