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Hays County Precinct 3 Participates In Central Texas Warrant Round Up

Recently, Justice of the Peace Andrew Cable, Precinct 3 (in Wimberley Valley), participated in the 2017 Central Texas Warrant Round Up event along with Precinct 3 Constable Ray Helm’s Office.

This was the first time the Court participated in this collaborative effort, joining many other jurisdictions in the Central Texas area.

Judge Cable said it was a “resounding, huge success” in mitigating a large number of criminal cases pending on his docket. Constable Helm’s Office, along with the assistance of the McCreary, Veselka, Bragg & Allen, P.C. law firm, cleared by exception (arrested, paid fines, set up a payment plan, etc.) 86 outstanding warrants from the Precinct 3 Justice of the Peace docket.

Specifically, total monies collected from this joint agency team effort were $17,904.27 which included fines and fees due. Furthermore, Judge Cable mitigated a substantial number of cases in which an additional $5,186.00 will be received from defendants over the course of the next six months.

According to Judge Cable the extensive amount of planning and research conducted by the JP Court staff and Constable deputies were invaluable and most definitely well worth the effort.

At the conclusion of the warrant round up, Judge Cable expressed his appreciation to his Court staff, Cynthia Carter, Gwen Kleinecke, & Sylvia Segura, “who worked tirelessly preparing for this event which included the office being open for extended hours.”

Constable Helm expressed his appreciation as well to his team, specifically, Deputies Travis Brown, Donny Torres and Cody Cheatham as well as Matthew Farris and the entire Precinct 3 Constable staff.

Judge Cable afforded Constable Helm’s deputies the ability to access the court from very early in the morning through late in the day for Magistration, subsequently overseeing mitigation of each case.

Judge Cable noted that because of this success he and Constable Helm will most assuredly have future “warrant round-ups” on a quarterly basis, including continued participation in the yearly Central Texas Warrant Round Up.

At the conclusion of this effort, Judge Cable closed the week by saying, “holding people accountable for their violations is very important. It would not be fair to those responsible citizens who have satisfied their judgments to not hold the others accountable.”


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