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Hays County Elections Administrator Will Be Taking Questions At Public Meeting

The public has been invited to pose questions about election procedures, and find out how you can become a deputy voter registrar or poll worker.

The Hays County Women’s Political Caucus & League Of Women Voters Of Hays County will be holding a joint, open to the public meeting on Monday March 27 at the LBJ Museum at 5:30 PM.

Jennifer Anderson, the new Hays County Elections Administrator has been invited to introduce herself to the community and discuss her approach to elections in Hays County.

Her office is responsible for training deputy voter registrars, poll workers as well as administering the elections.

The public has been invited to pose questions about election procedures, and find out how you can become a deputy voter registrar or poll worker.

Anderson replaced Joyce Cowan as the Hays County Elections Administrator on January 1, 2017. Cowan started her career with the county in 1985 when punch ballots were the norm. After spending almost 31 years with Hays County, Cowan retired in December 2016. 

For additional information on Hays County Election Office click here.


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