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CASA Of Central Texas, Seeking Public Help On Capital Campaign

CASA, Court Appointed Special Advocates, has been a part of Central Texas for 30 years. They planted their roots in 1985 and have been cultivating and growing a strong organization of dedicated volunteers, experienced staff, and community leaders. Recently, this special decided it was time to take this organization “to the next level” and secure a solid foundation for our next 30 years.
According to their development director, Tricia Schneider their goal is to establish a permanent home for CASA of Central Texas by securing property and building an Office & Training Center in San Marcos.
With a capital campaign, they are seeking financial contributions from businesses and individuals to demonstrate the local community’s support of Casa’s vision and mission. They also intend to apply for matching gifts from private foundations, government, and other resources. CASA is a registered Nonprofit and your donations might be tax deductible, so please check with your account to verify.
A new building will provide:
  • Improved facilities including a 48-seat Training Center
  • Volunteer and child-friendly environment
  • Savings on rent
  • Savings on staff travel time and mileage (by not having to locate and transport equipment/supplies to an off-site training space)
  • More funds for direct program services (through rent and mileage expense savings)
  • Long-term investment opportunity
  • Potential revenue stream (by renting extra space and/or training room to other agencies)
  • A savings to the local taxpayers (when taxpayer dollars would otherwise be spent on attorneys for the children as well as their foster care).
A new permanent home for CASA will provide long-term sustainability and will ensure advocacy services to hundreds and thousands of children in the years to come. Funds raised through this capital campaign will touch the lives of abused and neglected children at a time when they are most vulnerable.
If you would like to find out more information, including how to donate, please visit them at www.casacentex.org/capital-campaign.

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