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Hays County Feasibility Study Open House

This study identifies concepts for improving mobility, transit reliability, emergency response times, and safety within a 24-mile segment of I-35 from SH 45 Southeast to Posey Road:
  • One additional through-lane in each direction
  • Intersection improvements
  • Modify ramps and auxiliary lanes
  • Bicycle and pedestrian facility improvements
Comments received by March 18, 2015 will be included in the official Open House record. Written comments may be submitted to: Environmental Coordinator, Texas Department of Transportation, P.O. Box 15426, Austin, TX 78761-5426; faxed to 512-832-7157; or submitted online at:
If you have any communication or accommodation needs, call Shelly Eason at 512-832-7001 at least three business days prior to the event.

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