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City Offers Speakers To Discuss May 6 Bond Election

If both initiatives pass, the City will be authorized to issue bonds in the maximum principal amount of $32.2 million, a tax rate increase 8.37 cents per $100 of valuation*.

The City of San Marcos is offering speakers to organizations who would like to have a presentation on the May 6 bond election.

Early voting will take place from April 24 to May 2, 2017. The bond election includes two separate propositions for public safety and library projects.

If both initiatives pass, the City will be authorized to issue bonds in the maximum principal amount of $32.2 million, a tax rate increase 8.37 cents per $100 of valuation*. That amounts to $10.46 a month for the average homeowner, or $125.55 per year for a $150,000 home (the approximate average home value in San Marcos).

Organizations who would like to have City executive staff present information about the bond to their members should contact Assistant City Manager Steve Parker at sparker@sanmarcostx.gov or call 512.393.8106.


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