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Rep. Isaac Passes Amendment To Stop Wasteful Spending At TABC

Rep. Isaac’s amendment, coauthored by Rep. Ramon Romero, Jr. (D-Fort Worth) was the only amendment approved for House Bill 2, the supplemental appropriations bill.

AUSTIN — In response to disturbing reports about wasteful spending of taxpayer dollars within the agency, Rep. Jason Isaac (R-Dripping Springs) successfully passed an amendment banning out-of-state travel by employees of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission.

“The tax dollars you and I work so hard for should be spent responsibly, and TABC’s recent actions are extremely concerning,” said Rep. Isaac Thursday. “They should not go towards pricey trips to alcohol industry conferences that sound more like parties than meetings.”

A recent report in the Texas Tribune shone a light on disturbing practices within TABC, including the expenditure of tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars on trips to Hawaii, San Diego, Atlantic City, and other out-of-state locations. In addition to travel expenses, taxpayer dollars were used to pay for open bars, mariachi bands, and square dancers.

Rep. Isaac’s amendment, coauthored by Rep. Ramon Romero, Jr. (D-Fort Worth) was the only amendment approved for House Bill 2, the supplemental appropriations bill.

“I look forward to working with my colleagues in the legislature to continue ensuring transparency and responsible use of our taxpayer dollars,” Rep. Isaac continued. “The people of Texas deserve better.” 

Rep. Isaac is a fourth-generation native Texan who has served House District 45 since 2011. He is the vice president of the Texas Conservative Coalition, the conservative caucus in the Texas Legislature, and founding chair of the Hill Country Caucus. He is proud to represent Hays and Blanco counties and lives in Drippings Springs with his wife, Carrie, and two sons. 

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