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What To Watch For During Monday’s Hays CISD Meeting

What to watch for during Monday’s Hays CISD Board of Trustee’s Regular Meeting; Band Instruments $500k, raising price for school lunches and “commissioning services”  for High School #3, Elementary School #14 and Elementary School #15.

NOTE: Our items to watch may seem familiar from last week, as they remain on this weeks agenda. This week we have included the 2017-2018 proposed budget.

During Monday’s Hays CISD Board of Trustee’s Regular Meeting they will be discussion and the possible approval of; Band Instruments $500k, raising price for school lunches and “commissioning services”  for High School #3, Elementary School #14 and Elementary School #15.


Item 3. Consideration and possible approval of budget amendments. (Included below is a PDF copy of the 2017-2018 Budget)


Item 4. Consideration and possible approval of commissioning services for High School #3, Elementary School #14 and Elementary School #15.

Item 7. Consideration and possible approval of a ten cent ($0.10) increase in the school lunch price for 2017-2018

Hays CISD Draft Budget 2017-2018

[gview file=”https://smcorridornews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Hays-CISD-2017-2018-Proposed-Budget.pdf”]

Hays CISD Regular Meeting Agenda — Monday, April 24, 2017

[gview file=”https://smcorridornews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Hays-CISD-Regular-Meeting-Agenda-Packet-4-24-2017.pdf”]


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