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Gary Job Corps Appreciates Teachers At Travis Elementary

‘We are honored and blessed to have the professionally career ready students, always making a difference at Travis Elementary!’

The Gary Job Corps’ Outreach and Admissions Department gifted the teachers with goodie bags in appreciation for their service to the Travis student body.

Terra Arredondo, Gary Job Corps Outreach and Admissions Manager, stated, “Teachers give our students a good foundations on their future educational life and I am glad that we could recognize them for all they do.”

Diana Tagle-Guerrero, Senior Administrative Assistant and Finance, stated, “Gary Job Corps and Travis partnered 17 years ago and I must say those are years that seem like moments in time. We have cherished the relationships we have made with such amazing students who give with all their hearts! We are honored and blessed to have the professionally career ready students, always making a difference at Travis Elementary! Thank you Gary Job Corps and thank you Randolph Goodman and Staff!”

Over the years, the Gary Job Corps Center has adopted Travis Elementary as a student Intern site and assisted with the following community service projects onsite: fund-raising for specialty projects, decorating cakes for Mother’s Day, construction of playground equipment, Read Across America, Teacher Appreciation Day, STAR testing, Make a Difference Day and Easter photos.


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