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Kyle P&Z To Discuss Recommendations To Council On

Below you will find all the recommendations that Kyle Planning & Zoning will consider and make a recommendation to City Council for the mid-term amendments to the 2010 Comprehensive Plan.

Kyle Planning & Zoning will consider and make a recommendation to City Council for the mid-term amendments to the 2010 Comprehensive Plan.

Follow the links to to each recommendation:

Kyle P&Z Recommended Mid-Term Amendments to the 2010 Comprehensive Plan.

Staff Memo Core Area Transition District_Clean Core Area Transition District
Employment District_Clean

Employment District

Farm District Clean
Farm District

Heritage District_Clean

Heritage District
Historic Core Area Transition_Clean

Historic Core Area Transition

Local Node_Clean
Midtown District_Clean Midtown District New Settlement District_Clean
New Settlement District New Town District_Clean New Town District
Old Town District_Clean Old Town District Range Landscape_Clean
Range Landscape Regional Node_Clean Regional Node
Riparian District_Clean Riparian District Sensitive Sustainable Development District_Clean
Sensitive Sustainable Development District Super Regional Node_Clean Super Regional Node
East Settlement District Land Use Recommendation Chart_May 2017 Land Use District Map _ Draft
Old Town and IH-35 Regional Node, May 2017_Draft    




Kyle Planning & Zoning Regular Meeting Agenda — Tuesday, May 9, 2017

[gview file=”https://smcorridornews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/KPZ-Regular-Meeting-Agenda-5-9-2017-Tuesday-Done.pdf”]


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