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Energy Thought Summit

SAN MARCOS – The Energy Thought Summit (ETS), an international event that brings many of the world’s thought leaders together to debate the state and future of energy, has added an Energy Education Summit programming track offering free admission to Texas State University students.
The Energy Education Summit will be held 1-4 p.m. March 24, while ETS programming will run March 25-26. The event will be held at the AT&T Executive Education and Conference Center in Austin. Texas State is one of the event sponsors, and Stan McClellan, director of the Ingram School of Engineering, and Bahram Asiabanpour, an associate professor in the Ingram School of Engineering, will participate in programming.
Special guests include Rob High, vice president of IBM Watson; Massoud Amin, University of Minnesota and “father of the smart grid”; and John B. Goodenough, University of Texas and “father of the lithium battery.” 
Open public registration for the Energy Education Summit may be completed at www.eventbrite.com/e/ets15-tickets-11949795159?access=etsedu. ETS also offers a discounted academic admission for the entire conference. Texas State students may register for academic admission at www.eventbrite.com/e/ets15-tickets-11949795159?discount=etsacademic


For additional information, visit www.ets15.com.  

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