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‘inSanMarcos’ Group To Meet Thursday: ‘City Council And GSMP’

According to a press release from a local group called “inSanMarcos” which is made up of local business owners, civic leaders, and San Marcos residents, plan to meet Thursday, March 12 from 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM at Sage Capital Bank 2202 Hunter Road, to discuss “City Council’s Resolve To Defund Greater San Marcos Partnership”
“The topic for this meeting will be Economic Development and the city’s contract with the Greater San Marcos Partnership. The contract for GSMP is up for renewal and some of our council members believe it would be a good idea to cut the funding. As a member of our community we need your input on this most important topic.
We strongly urge you to attend this very important meeting to learn what we can do as a community to bring better paying jobs and economic prosperity to our citizens. Inform, Involve and Invest!”
The inSanMarcos Group was officially founded in 2010 by a small handful of local business owners in San Marcos. They believe some of the local business community, civic leaders, and residents are not informed regarding the facts concerning local issues, which, according to Kevin Carswell an inSanMarcos board member and the owner of Mochas & Javas, “shape the future of San Marcos.”
“All of our meetings are open to anyone who would like to attend, and are free of charge, but if someone would like to become an active fulltime member, our dues are $20 a year and are tax deductible,” said Carswell.
inSanMarcos is a 501c6 Charitable Organization. 

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