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City Honored For Budget Presentation For 32nd Year

The City of San Marcos has received the Government Finance Officers Association’s Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the Fiscal Year 2017 budget.

The award is the highest form of recognition the GFOA presents cities in governmental budgeting, and this budget year is the 32nd year the City of San Marcos has received it.

To receive the award, a government’s budget must satisfy nationally recognized guidelines for effective budget presentation, serving as a policy document, a financial plan, an operations guide, and an effective form of public communications.

Budget documents submitted to the program are each evaluated separately by three reviewers who rate a given budget document as “not proficient,” “proficient,” or “outstanding” in regard to 27 specific criteria, grouped into four basic categories. The reviewers also provide an overall rating for each of the basic categories.

To receive the award, a budget document must be rated either proficient or outstanding by at least two of the three reviewers for all four basic categories, as well as for 14 of the 27 specific criteria identified as “mandatory.”

More than 1,600 government entities participate in the Budget Awards Program.



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