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San Marcos CISD Considering The Approval Of Defeasance On Portions Of Current Outstanding Obligations

San Marcos CISD considering the approval of releasing & issuing unlimited tax school building bonds while also considering defeasance on portions of current outstanding obligations…

VIII. Items for Action

A. Consideration and Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Defeasance1 of Certain Portions of the District’s Currently Outstanding Obligations, and Other Matters Related Thereto.

B. Additionally the Trustee’s will be considering and approving of a Plan of Finance for the Construction and Equipment of School Buildings and Directing District Administration and Consultants to Proceed with the Issuance of Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds.


  1. the action or process of rendering something null and void.
    • a clause or condition which, if fulfilled, renders a deed or contract null and void.
      plural noun: defeasances

San Marcos CISD Regular Meeting Agenda — Monday, June 19, 2017

[gview file=”https://smcorridornews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/SMCISD-Regular-Meeting-Agenda-6-19-2017-Monday.pdf”]


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One Comment

  1. Is this the same old song about we are paying down our debt while you are actually just spending more?

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