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Buda’s New Parks Maintenance Building Opens

“We had a 20 by 12 storage is basically what it was. We did all of our work outside in the heat on the asphalt. Then we acquired a 40 by 20 building.

The new Parks Maintenance building is open. It was paid for as part of the Prop 5 bond money.

“The facility was completed in January of 2017. We moved in with the equipment and Public Works moved in as well in February. It’s an awesome building. It has offices in it and a full lunch room and full scale mechanic shop out here. It also has bays to work on equipment and things,” said Parks Supervisor Juan Mosqueda.

For Mosqueda and his crew, the new Parks Maintenance building is a welcome addition. Before it opened, they were crammed for space.

“We had a 20 by 12 storage is basically what it was. We did all of our work outside in the heat on the asphalt. Then we acquired a 40 by 20 building. But this building has got drains in it, a concrete floor, exhaust systems and everything. So we’ve been able to come in here and do mechanic work and a lot of other things that we can’t do out in the field because we need a covered facility.”

Public Works also utilizes the new space.

“The parks department has been existence probably for about 10 years almost. It broke off partly from public work. So we share a lot of items and everything. But we still have a few things to buy and things like that. So we’re always looking for good used equipment if the public would like to donate something to us.”

Our staff recently held an official ribbon cutting for the new Parks and Maintenance Building.

We really appreciate the building for the parks department.”

You can watch the video version of the story here.


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