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Hays County Invites Parents To Bring Children To Vaccination Celebration

Hays County Invites Parents To Bring Children To Vaccination Celebration

Hays County Courthouse, TX – The Hays County Local Health Department and Live Oak Health Partners Community Clinic are holding a week-long vaccination fair August 7-11 for all children 18 years and younger who need vaccinations.

The vaccines will be free for children who qualify.

As a special treat on Monday, August 7, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. there will be free games, prizes and free food as well as a fire truck and SWAT vehicle at Anita Reye Park next to the clinic at 401 E. Broadway St., San Marcos.

Children from surrounding counties are welcome as well as residents of Hays County. Vaccinations will be available from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. August 7-11 at the clinic.


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