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Here’s What’s On This Week’s Dripping Springs P&Z’s Meeting Agenda

Here’s What’s On This Week’s Dripping Springs P&Z’s Meeting Agenda

Dripping Springs Planning & Zoning agenda items for the upcoming their Tuesday Meeting.

NOTE: The list below may NOT be a full accounting of items of this week’s agenda. To view the full agenda, please see below.


Consideration and Possible Action On:

  1. Ordinance 1251.29 An Ordinance  of the City of Dripping Springs Adding Section 26.03.006 to Chapter 26 of the Dripping Springs Code of Ordinances; Amending Variance Procedures for Master Sign Plans; and Providing for the Following: Findings of Fact; Amendment; Repealer; Severability; Codification; Effective Date; and Proper Notice and Meeting.


Consideration and Possible Action on:

  1. Annexation and Development Agreement between the City of Dripping Springs and SLF IV – Dripping Springs JV, P. and Bob White Investments, LP for Heritage Subdivision, approximately 189 acres located in the ETJ, generally bounded by Ranch Road 12 near the northeast perimeter of the property; Old Fitzhugh Road near the eastern perimeter; Walnut Springs Elementary School in the southwestern corner; Dripping Springs Youth Association Fields near the southwest perimeter; Dripping Springs High School along the western perimeter; and in close proximity to Springlake Drive at the northern perimeter. SLF IV­ Dripping Springs JV, LP and Bob White Investments, LP, Applicant
    1. Presentation (Applicant)
    2. Staff Report (Laura Mueller/Dottie Palumbo)
    3. Public Hearing
    4. Offsite Road and Trail Agreement
    5. Heritage WW Utility Agreement Memo
    6. Annexation and Development Agreement – Heritage Subdivision


Dripping Springs Planning & Zoning Meeting Agenda — Tuesday, July 25, 2017

[gview file=”https://smcorridornews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/DS-PZ-Meeting-Agenda-7-25-17-Tuesday.pdf”]


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