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Here Is This Week’s Buda City Council Agenda

Buda City Council to review  the Charter Review Committee’s report, Introduction of new Constable and new JP, review of the new November 2017 Election Contract, funding allocations for the Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT), and Annexation Plans

NOTE: The list below may NOT be a full accounting of items of this week’s agenda. To view the full agenda, please see below.

F.2. Approval of the November 2017 Election Contract, Joint Election Contract, and authorization for the City Manager to execute said contract (City Secretary Alicia Ramirez)

F. 3. Approval and acceptance of the Hays County Elections Administrator’s designated election precincts and polling places for the November 7, 2017 General Election (City Secretary Alicia Ramirez)


F.4. Deliberation and possible action of adopting a resolution designating a date of public hearing for the purpose of considering amendments to the capital improvements plans and impact fees for water and wastewater utility infrastructure (Assistant City Manager Chance Sparks)



G.1. Introduction of Constable John Ellen and Justice of the Peace Scott Cary (Chief of Police Bo Kidd)


G.2. Presentation, submission, and possible acceptance of the Charter Review Committee’s report to City Council regarding the recommended changes to the City Charter (Committee Chairman Ron Fletcher)



H.4. Update on the Hays County Hazard Mitigation Plan (Public Works Director Mike Beggs, Jeff Hauff, Hays County Grant Administrator, and Paloma Alaniz, Hazard Mitigation Planner Halff & Associates)

 • View The 2017 Buda City Council Meeting Agendas, Minutes, Video & Agenda Packets – Click Here

Buda City Council Meeting Agenda — Tuesday, August 1, 2017 at 6:00 PM

[gview file=”https://smcorridornews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/BCC-Meeting-Agenda-8-1-2017-Tuesday-Regular.pdf”]


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