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Body Camera’s, Budget And New School Zone Warning Flasher Signs

Hays County Commissioners will discuss body camera’s, the budget and new school zone warning flasher signs.

NOTE: The list below may NOT be a full accounting of items of this week’s agenda. To view the full agenda, please see below.

The Hays County Commissioners will be discussing body camera’s, the budget and the purchase of two school zone warning flasher posts.


Item 6. Authorize the Sheriff’s Office to purchase 17 Axon Body Cameras through our master services agreement with Axon Enterprises and amend the budget accordingly. COBB/CUTLER


Item 11. Discussion and possible action to purchase two school zone flasher posts w/accessories in the amount of $5,629.00 from Electrotechnics Corporation, to permanently install on Sawyer Ranch Road for the new elementary & middle schools, and amend the budget accordingly. WHISENANT/BORCHERDING


Item 17. 10:00 a.m. – Budget Workshop regarding the FY 2018 Hays County Budget. Possible action may follow. COBB/VILLARREAL-ALONZO

Hays County Commissioners Court Meeting Agenda — Tuesday, August 8, 2017

[gview file=”https://smcorridornews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/HCC-Meeting-Agenda-8-8-2017-Tuesday-Regular.pdf”]


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