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Local San Marcos Company Organizes Massive River Cleanup

Snorkel TX promises free snorkeling in exchange for help clearing trash from the San Marcos River

San Marcos, TX: Local adventure company Snorkel TX is leading a massive effort to clean part of the San Marcos River. On August 13th the group plans to meet at Sewell Park with 1 main goal in mind: pull as much trash as possible out of the river.

The Facebook event (link below) has already been shared 50 times in one week, with 610 people ‘Interested’ in the event and 60 more ‘Going’.

In exchange for picking up trash along the way, Snorkel TX will be guiding attendees through part of the San Marcos River, and providing them with snorkels, masks, and fins. The newly-founded company says that event attendees will be snorkeling in one of the cleanest and clearest spots of the river, and they are committed to keeping it that way.

Snorkel TX’s event is called “Free snorkel + San Marcos River cleanup”, and is taking place on Sunday, August 13th from 11am – 3pm at Sewell Park in San Marcos, TX.

Link to Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/123895461566609.


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