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What To Watch During This Week’s Dripping Springs City Council Meeting

What To Watch During This Week’s Dripping Springs City Council Meeting…And Read The 2017 Agendas and Minutes (released for pubic viewing)

What to watch during this week’s Dripping Springs City Council Meeting…and read the 2017 Agendas and Minutes (released for pubic viewing).

NOTE: The list below may NOT be a full accounting of items of this week’s agenda. To view the full agenda, please see below.


A. Ordinance No. 1225.04: An Ordinance of the City of Dripping Springs, Texas Adopting the Official City Maps of Incorporated Municipal Boundaries (City Limits) and Extraterritorial Jurisdiction


I. Proposal for Professional Engineering Services from Stantec Consulting Services, Inc for Federal Emergency Management Agency Appeal Related to Walnut Springs Tributary in Dripping Springs, TX (Sponsor: Mayor Todd Purcell)

J. Change Order No. 3 to Construction Contract between the City of Dripping Springs and TTE, LLC for Amendment 1 Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements (Sponsor: Mayor Pro Tem Foulds)

K. Creation and Job Description for City of Dripping Springs Parks and Community Services Director.


X. Executive Session

A. Consultation with City Attorney regarding legal issues related to Dissemination of Information in City Parks

B. Consultation with City Attorney Regarding Legal Requirements and Procedures for the Potential Creation of Certain Special Districts to Finance Improvements Benefiting the Heritage Subdivision including a Wastewater Agreement

C. Consultation with City Attorney regarding the Wastewater Service and Fee Agreement between the City of Dripping Springs and Meritage Homes of Texas, LLC (AKA -Planned Development District #4

D. Deliberation regarding the potential purchase of all or a portion of real property related to the Transportation Plan.

E. Consultation with City Attorney regarding the Proposed Settlement Agreement between the City of Dripping Springs, the City of Austin and other Parties regarding Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System

F. Consultation with City Attorney Regarding Allocation of Wastewater Capacities and Potential Alternatives and Options to Currently Planned Wastewater Discharge Permitting Plans, Including Potential Additional Area Needed to Meet Wastewater Service Needs

G. Deliberation  regarding Personnel Matters related to salaries, benefits, job descriptions and compensation of specific employees: City Administrator, Deputy City Administrator, City Secretary, Parks and Community Services Director, Public Works Director, Building Permit Coordinator, Utilities Coordinator, Receptionist, Communications  Coordinator, Information Technology Coordinator, City Planner, Planning Assistant, Administrative Assistant, City Treasurer, Accounting Clerk, Maintenance Director, Dripping Springs Ranch Park Manager, Dripping Springs Ranch Park Maintenance Workers, Emergency Planning Coordinator, and Maintenance Workers

To read a full listing of the 2017 Dripping Springs City Council Agendas and Minutes click HERE.

Dripping Spring City Council Meeting Agenda – Tuesday, August 15, 2017 at 5:00 PM

[gview file=”https://smcorridornews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/DSCC-Meeting-Agenda-8-15-2017-Tuesday.pdf”]


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