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School Fuel Prepares For The 2017-2018 School Year

Last year, School Fuel volunteers packed 557 sacks of weekend meals to send home with elementary students and 21,723 sacks for the entire 2016-2017 school year.

School Fuel has started preparing “fuel” for students in five schools in the San Marcos Consolidated Independent School District.

In 2013, the program began providing sacks with two meals and four snacks for every day of the week to 31 students who were at high-risk of having little to no food at home. Seventy-five percent of children in the district qualify for free or reduced lunch in school.

Students within the program showed an increase in school performance. This year, School Fuel will be providing sacks for 627 students.

It costs $215 to feed one student for the entire year. Last year, School Fuel volunteers packed 557 sacks of weekend meals to send home with elementary students and 21,723 sacks for the entire 2016-2017 school year.

The week of Aug. 14 is packing week for the upcoming school year. There are several ways members of the community can show their support for the program: donate or sponsor a child, volunteer, sponsor a fundraiser or collect items for the special sacks.      


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