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Gary Job Corps Holds 2017 Commencement

Gary Job Corps is a federally funded vocational and academic program through the Department of Labor by Management & Training Corporation.

Gary Job Corps joined 123 other centers across the country to celebrate the 7th Annual “National Job Corps Commencement Day” ceremony August 18 to congratulate the Job Corps students who showed Job Corps Works by completing the program this year.

Elva Zdeb, HR manager for San Marcos Embassy Suites, was the featured speaker sharing with the graduates, family, friends, and staff the necessity of setting goals and the needs for continuing education.

Additionally, Elva is the President of the Gary Job Corps Community Relations Council where she has been a continually supporter of the mission of Job Corps, she was a awarded the MTC Community Supporter of the Year for 2016.

Gary Job Corps is a federally funded vocational and academic program through the Department of Labor by Management & Training Corporation.

Over 1400 students are trained at the 800 acre campus in 18 vocational offerings in health, support, construction, and manufacturing trades.

Graduates go into the workforce, military, or continuing education.

Pictured is the Gary Job Corps Graduating Class, Gary Student Government students, staff members, Janie Sauceda, Irma Pardo, Scott Ullmann, Lonnie Hall, and featured speaker Elva Zdeb.


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