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Buda Officials Deactivate Of Emergency Operations Center

Two Heritage trees went down in front of the Stagecoach House and Visitor Center. We are in the process of determining if either tree can be salvaged.

Buda Emergency Operations Center

The Buda Emergency Operations Center was deactivated this morning. We will continue to monitor the weather throughout the week and will reopen if warranted.  

Damaged Property

If you experienced any property damage in Tropical Storm Harvey please send an email to emergencymanagement@ci.buda.tx.us.

Buda Impacts by Harvey

  • Public Works cleared trees and branches from the roadway. Our parks employees are clearing debris at the City’s parks. Two Heritage trees went down in front of the Stagecoach House and Visitor Center. We are in the process of determining if either tree can be salvaged.
  • The drainage channel at the Municipal Complex worked properly and during the most intense part of the storm there was about two inches of water running through the channel. The Public Safety and City Hall/Library building did not suffer any damage. The tree that was relocated on the site is doing fine and was not affected by the storm. A skeleton crew is on site today and full operations will resume tomorrow (Aug. 29).
  • Our lift stations around the City functioned properly and we had no problems.   
  • The Onion Creek Village Apartments had to be evacuated after the water came up over FM 2770. The water did not get into any of the apartments and has since receded. 
  • The main fire department station on FM 2770 had to be evacuated. The water came within a foot of the building, but it did not flood. 
  • Buda Fire Department responded to 35 plus calls dealing with downed power lines or downed trees. 
  • Buda Police Department responded to five vehicle wrecks.
  • There were no water rescues.
  • A car port came down at the Trails of Buda Ranch Apartments and damaged several vehicles. 
  • Several citizens reported damaged fences and downed trees.  
  • The Buda Fire Department has been put on stand-by to send resources to Houston.


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