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PEC Sends Crews To Assist With Hurricane Harvey Recovery

“We began preparations last Wednesday well before Hurricane Harvey made landfall, ramping up efforts to secure our electric system, coordinate our crews and stock our yards with the necessary tools and materials,” said Robert Peterson, PEC’s control center and emergency preparedness director.

Johnson City, Texas — Pedernales Electric Cooperative (PEC), the nation’s largest electric distribution cooperative located in Johnson City, Texas, has sent service and construction crews to the City of Ganado in Southeast Texas.

PEC crews are traveling to assist Jackson Electric Cooperative with power recovery and restoration following the devastating and historic Hurricane Harvey ravaged the Texas Gulf Coast and Houston metroplex.

“We began preparations last Wednesday well before Hurricane Harvey made landfall, ramping up efforts to secure our electric system, coordinate our crews and stock our yards with the necessary tools and materials,” said Robert Peterson, PEC’s control center and emergency preparedness director. “While we experienced more than 590 outages due to high winds and rain, thankfully, our service territory was spared from the worst of the storm.”

In addition to service and construction crews, PEC sent staff from its safety and engineering departments, plus two unmanned aerial vehicles to help assess damage.

“We’re proud to offer our crews and resources to Jackson Electric Cooperative and to help get this community back online following the hurricane,” Peterson said. “Cooperatives are rooted in core principles that shape our values and organizations, and this opportunity to help is a bright reminder of two values we hold close at PEC: cooperation among cooperatives and concern for community.”

Additional PEC crews will be sent to Ganado on Friday to relieve PEC crews that are already there. Follow PEC’s complete coverage of Hurricane Harvey and power restoration efforts on Facebook at facebook.com/PedernalesCoop and at pec.coop/harvey.


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