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Buda Announces Schedule For Street Paving Projects In Old Town

“The good thing about Buda is that 90 percent of our infrastructure is less than 10 or 12-years-old. Our roads are in pretty good shape.”  

The Public Works department is busy with several street paving projects in Old Town this week.

Monday, Sept. 18, a crew paved Cherry Street between Railroad and Cedar. In the next couple of days, they will be paving Prairie Avenue. 

“Prairie Avenue is little bit longer than Cherry Street, has a little bit more traffic, and a lot of homeowners park on the road. So it will be a little more complicated to do. That should take a couple of days,” said Public Works Employee Kyle Cain.

After the work on Cherry Street is done, public works will pave Peach Street. The crew hopes to have all of the work done by the end of this week, or early next week.  

“The good thing about Buda is that 90 percent of our infrastructure is less than 10 or 12-years-old. Our roads are in pretty good shape.”  

To keep up with street projects, you can follow the City of Buda on Facebook, Twitter, and here on our website at www.ci.buda.tx.us

Tentative Street Paving Schedule

Cherry Street – Finished

Prairie Avenue – Wednesday Sept. 20 & Thursday, Sept 21 (This could possibly start on Tuesday)

Peach Street – Friday, Sept. 22 or Monday, Sept. 25.


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