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Cornyn Calls On House Democrats To Stop Blocking Hurricane Relief

If we were talking about earthquake victims in San Francisco instead of hurricane relief in Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico, surely she wouldn’t be playing politics like she is now with this important hurricane relief package.”

WASHINGTON – Today on the Senate floor, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) called on House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to stop blocking hurricane relief for victims in Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico.  

“We’ve been working hard trying to match the scale of the storm with an appropriate congressional response.”

“One additional way we can help victims is through targeted tax relief. I want to highlight in this regard a noncontroversial section of the Federal Aviation Agency reauthorization bill that House Democrats blocked yesterday. It contained a number of disaster tax provisions like those that were passed after Hurricane Katrina that will help hurricane victims get back on their feet. Mr. President, it’s unconscionable that the House Minority Leader held that relief hostage to cater to the most extreme elements of her own political party. If we were talking about earthquake victims in San Francisco instead of hurricane relief in Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico, surely she wouldn’t be playing politics like she is now with this important hurricane relief package.”

“It’s imperative that the House act a second time later this week to overcome the objection of Mrs. Pelosi to make sure this hurricane tax relief is delivered to those in need on a timely basis and without further delay. Shame on those who would play politics with the sort of relief that the President and we have all committed would be forthcoming in response to these terrible hurricanes.”


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