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Hays County Precinct 3, County Departments & Services, Moves Into New Wimberley Office Location

Most offices will open at their new location on Monday, October 2, and will be ready for business as soon as computer and phone service is established, which is expected to be that morning.

Hays County Courthouse – The Hays County Precinct 3 offices of Commissioner Will Conley, Constable Ray Helm and Justice of the Peace Andrew Cable, as well as the Sheriff’s Office substation, are moving to 200 Stillwater Street, Wimberley, from their current Ranch Road 12 location. The new, larger location will include a Tax Assessor-Collector substation, a County Clerk’s substation and the County’s AgriLife Extension Office, which will relocate there from San Marcos.

Most offices will open at their new location on Monday, October 2, and will be ready for business as soon as computer and phone service is established, which is expected to be that morning. The JP Court plans to reopen on October 4 and the new Tax Office substation will open October 4. Please call the Precinct 3 current main numbers (which will remain the same) to ensure that the office you need is ready to assist you. Visit www.co.hays.tx.us for office phone numbers or call the main County phone directory at 512-393-7779.

As with other County Clerk substations, only credit cards will be accepted (debit cards will be processed as credit cards) and all services will be available except for printing of 18×24 plat maps.

An Open House for the public is planned for October 13 from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. At 3 p.m., Commissioner Conley will offer remarks and introduce elected officials, with cake and punch to follow.


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