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All Austin Businesses Must Provide Recycling

“Austin Resource Recovery is committed to helping businesses establish recycling and organic diversion programs that can significantly reduce waste and meet City requirements…”

As of Oct. 1, 2017, all commercial and multifamily properties are required to have recycling under requirements of the Universal Recycling Ordinance.

The ordinance, adopted by the City Council in 2012, establishes minimum recycling standards for commercial and multifamily properties to ensure convenient recycling is available to employees and tenants.

The requirements were phased in over several years. In addition to recycling, Austin food service establishments that are 5,000 square feet or larger are required to establish programs that divert organic materials from landfills.

Commercial and multifamily properties generate nearly 85 percent of landfill trash in Austin and the ordinance is a key component of the City’s strategy to reach Zero Waste.

Commercial and multifamily properties are required to provide recycling for plastics, paper, cardboard, glass and aluminum. Recycling containers must be within 25 feet of all trash containers and all properties must post signs, provide recycling education and submit an online Annual Diversion Plan by February 1 to show all ordinance requirements are being met.

Businesses with food permits are also required to establish programs to ensure discarded food and organic materials (soiled napkins, paper towels, etc.) go to beneficial use and not to landfills.

There are many ways to meet the requirements, including donating food to feed hungry people, reducing food waste, composting and other options. To demonstrate compliance, an Organics Diversion Plan must also be submitted every year.

“Austin Resource Recovery is committed to helping businesses establish recycling and organic diversion programs that can significantly reduce waste and meet City requirements,” said Interim Director Sam Angoori, Austin Resource Recovery.

Affected property owners and property managers are notified of the ordinance requirements by mail or email.

Austin Resource Recovery will hold three open house meetings to provide personalized assistance to businesses, including help completing the required online annual diversion plans.

Property managers and owners are encouraged to visit the website to register for free training and access helpful tools such as videos, tip sheets and downloadable signs. They can also contact staff with questions or requests for assistance.

AustinTexas.Gov/URO    commercialrecycling@austintexas.gov    (512) 974-9727


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