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Hernandez STEM Expo

Hernandez Elementary hosted their annual STEM Expo on February 6, 2015, in their gym. Seventeen local businesses and organizations were on hand to help bring science, technology, engineering and math alive for students in grades PreK – 5. 

Hernandez teachers and administrators extend their appreciation to the following presenters who shared their time and talents: Dave Wormer, Celeste Mikeska of PEC, dentist Dr. Josephina Martinez, Dr. Steve and Amy Stanfield of TSO, Steven Health of the San Marcos Animal Shelter, Laura Petty and the Hays County Extension Office, Denise Ralph and Brad Gaskill of the San Marcos High School Science Department, Isabel Martinez from the McKenna Children’s Museum in New Braunfels, Lenny Scott of Heirloom Blooms, Sarah Valdez with the Edwards Aquifer Authority, Amy Cortez from BJ Pharmacy, Jenna Winters from the San Marcos Nature Center, Dr. Tonya Betancourt from Texas State University’s SACNAS Chapter (Society for Advancement of Hispanics/Chicanos and Native Americans in Science), Carl Kittel from the  Fish Hatchery, Monty Gomez from the Health Department, the San Marcos EMS, and retired teacher Martha Ortiz.


Photos by Iris Campbell

·         RIGHT: Brad Gaskill and SMHS engineering students demonstrating their robotics

·         LEFT: Celeste Mikeska from Pedernales Electric Coop talks about electricity

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