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San Marcos Resource Recovery Division Wins Statewide Award

“Resource Recovery staff has been working diligently to implement the Comprehensive Municipal Solid Waste Plan approved in 2012,” said Amy Kirwin.

The City of San Marcos Resource Recovery division won the 2017 Texas Environmental Leadership Award for Outstanding Environmental Public Education and Outreach Program at the 2017 State of Texas Alliance for Recycling Annual Conference on Oct. 25.

The Texas Environmental Leadership Awards recognize true stewards of environmental change in Texas– individuals, communities, organizations, and businesses developing and maintaining programs involving recycling, composting, sustainable materials management, public education and outreach, and special event recycling. 

“Resource Recovery staff has been working diligently to implement the Comprehensive Municipal Solid Waste Plan approved in 2012. Staff looks at innovative landfill diversion programs and partners that help implement the goals in the master plan,” said Amy Kirwin, Community Enhancement Initiatives Manager.

Resource Recovery was recognized for its holistic program including the following:

Green Waste Carts: After its first full year, and months of auditing and education efforts, the green waste cart and variable size trash cart program’s contamination rates dropped significantly—from 60% contamination earlier in the year to less than 10%.

Bin it to Win It: To improve recycling at multifamily complexes, the Second Annual Bin It to Win It competition was held between registered complexes.

Bobcat Blend: The City partners with Bobcat Blend, Texas State University’s composting research program. Bobcat Blend provides a trailer to haul off residents’ bagged leaves twice a year and instructs the state-certified Master Composter program, which teaches residents how to safely and effectively compost on their property.

In 2016, Resource Recovery staff attended or held over 25 events, providing an interactive booth to test people’s recycling knowledge, demonstrated standardized trash and recycle containers and signage, and managed eco-stations at special events in the parks.

For more information about the City’s Resource Recovery programs, visit www.sanmarcostx.gov/resourcerecovery.


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