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Hays County Jail Passes Texas Commission Jail Standards

“Without their dedication and diligence, we could not have passed the commission’s inspection each year that I have been in office.  I am proud of each and every one of them.”

Sheriff Gary Cutler is pleased to announce that the Hays County Jail has passed the Texas Commission on Jail Standards inspection that occurred October 23-24, 2017. In the letter received by the commission, it stated that:

“The Certificate of Compliance demonstrates your outstanding leadership and the diligent work of your staff in complying with minimum standards. In addition, this achievement is a direct result of your office’s commitment to excellence and is an example of dedication and professionalism in maintaining a safe, secure, and sanitary facility.”

Sheriff Cutler extends his appreciation and praise to the staff of the Hays County Sheriff’s Office who on a daily basis work hard to maintain and exceed the requirements set by the commission.

“Without their dedication and diligence, we could not have passed the commission’s inspection each year that I have been in office,” Sheriff Cutler Said. “I am proud of each and every one of them.”

Sheriff Cutler began his first term as Sheriff of Hays County in November of 2010.


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