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What’s In Season In Texas, Creamy Pumpkin Pasta Recipe

Texas is one of the largest producers of fresh fruits and vegetables—more than 60 varieties are grown across the Lone Star State! And a tasty recipe for Creamy Pumpkin Pasta

by Take Care of Texas

Texas is one of the largest producers of fresh fruits and vegetables—more than 60 varieties are grown across the Lone Star State! With so many options, it’s easy to find Texas-grown produce. When produce is grown locally, this means it is freshly picked and in season.

Fruits and vegetables that are in season are at their peak in both flavor and nutrition. Plus, by shopping seasonally, you’ll also vary your diet throughout the year and have the opportunity to enjoy different dishes!


What’s Available in November?


[gview file=”https://smcorridornews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/produce-availability-brochure-2015-nocropmarks-page-1.pdf”] Click here for Creamy Pumpkin Pasta recipe!

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