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Growth,Traffic, And Transportation Planning in the I35 Corridor

Ten years ago in 2005, 77 percent of workers in the Austin MSA drove alone to and from work, and the average commute time was 25.1 minutes. As of 2013 (the most recent data available), 76 percent of workers in the Austin MSA drove alone to and from work, and the average commute time was 25.5 minutes. Meaning, commuting habits have remained essentially the same over the past few years.


One thing that has changed, though, is the number of commuters in the area. During the same 2005-2013 time period, the number of workers in the MSA increased from 716,000 to 890,000. That’s an extra 125,000 commuters driving alone to and from work each day. Moreover, those cars are being added predominantly in one place—along the IH-35 corridor. The maps below indicate where the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) expects employment and population density to increase between 2015 and 2040.



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The Region at a Glance

All economic indicators are trending positively in this edition of Data Points, even those that tend to fluctuate from month to month, such as multifamily building permits and sales tax receipts. This marks a stark contrast from the national economy, which grew slowly (0.2 percent) in 1Q15. Though there is some variation across the region. For example, all of the home building permit activity was located in the metro-area. Unemployment is comparable between rural and urban counties in the region — 3.3 percent in urban and 3.4 percent in rural.



>>>Dive deeper into the data at DataPoints.org for sources, notes and other information.<<<


About CAPCOG Economic Development

CAPCOG’s Economic Development Program works closely with cities, counties, chambers of commerce and economic development corporations of the Texas capital area, providing education, training and expert assistance. Services include providing in-depth economic analysis, managing special projects related to regional planning and economic strategy and helping communities devise new strategies for improved competitiveness.

To discuss specific projects or available services, contact CAPCOG Economic Development Manager, Chris Schreck.

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