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Sales Tax Revenue For December In Hays County And Local Cities

Posted by Staff

December 2014 sales tax revenue in Texas rose 4.3 percent over December 2013, netting $2.35 billion. State Comptroller Glenn Hegar said growth among all sectors contributed to the increase, particularly in the oil and natural gas, construction, manufacturing and services sectors. 

The result is that cities, counties, transit systems and special purpose taxing districts in the state will share January tax allocations totaling $618.1 million, up 7.7 percent compared to January of last year.

Cities will share $401.9 million, up 7.1 percent from January 2014. A 10.2 percent increase from last January will mean counties in the state will share $40.1 million. Transit systems will share $138.9 million, up 6.5 percent from the same period last year and special purpose taxing districts, which saw an increase of 17.3 percent, will share $37.2 million. The sales tax figures represent November sales reported by monthly tax filers. I have listed City’s within Hays County and New Braunfels allocations below or if you want to look up additional cites they can be viewed by city and by county.

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