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CodeSMTX Update: Why Neighborhood Districts?

Code SMTX is changing the zoning process in existing neighborhoods by adding new steps that provide more opportunity for…

One of the main topics discussed throughout the Code SMTX process has been the importance of creating more opportunities for housing while putting tools in place to retain the character of existing neighborhoods. 

Current residents expressed a need for:

  • Relief from rising housing costs and
  • More desirable options for housing in walkable areas with high quality of life.

Residents and participants in this process also expressed a strong concern about:

  • Diminishing rates of homeownership and
  • Degradation of existing traditional single family neighborhoods. 

Code SMTX won’t solve all of these complex issues, but it is proposing a new framework and new tools that are necessary in order for our community to begin addressing these pressing problems in a meaningful way. 

Developing a Zoning Strategy

The public outreach component of Code SMTX was significantly enhanced in the Spring of 2015 with a series of Neighborhood Workshops. The purpose of the workshops was to gather input on how to apply the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan in Existing Neighborhoods.

A final report documenting this process and an interactive map showing all received comments can be viewed here

The adoption of Code SMTX represents a first step in planning for Existing Neighborhoods. 

Code SMTX establishes tools that have the ability to meet the City’s goals for creating new housing types and preserving existing neighborhood character. 

The next step is to conduct neighborhood character studies where neighborhoods will work to apply these new tools, if needed, in select areas.

New Tools for Better Results

Our current zoning for medium and high density residential allows development that does not meet the vision established in our Comprehensive Plan.

To address this issue new districts, known as neighborhood districts have been created to replace incompatible development types with zoning that emphasizes compatibility.

Transparent Zoning Processes

Code SMTX is changing the zoning process in existing neighborhoods by adding new steps that provide more opportunity for input and expanding notification to include more residents in the surrounding neighborhood.


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