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Britney Bolton Richey Running For Hays County Treasurer

The Honorable Michele Tuttle, Hays County Treasurer has announced that she is not seeking reelection in 2018.

San Marcos, TX — The Honorable Michele Tuttle, Hays County Treasurer has announced that she is not seeking reelection in 2018. 

Tuttle has served Hays County for 36 years and has been Hays County Treasurer since 1995. Tuttle is supporting her Assistant, Britney Bolton Richey. 

Britney Bolton Richey | Photo by Tom Richey Photography

At a campaign rally for Richey last Wednesday night, Tuttle stated “Britney Richey is the most qualified person to be the next Hays County Treasurer. I recommend her in the highest regard. She has been an exceptionally valued member of the Hays County Treasurer’s Office staff since 1990 and she has my full endorsement.”

Britney Bolton Richey was hired by past Hays County Treasurer, the late Dorothy Sims. Richey and Tuttle have worked together in the Treasurer’s Office for 27 years. 

Richey was born and raised in Hays County and is a 4th generation Hays County resident.

Richey has been certified to invest Hays County funds since 1996 and currently serves Hays County on the Hays County Investment Committee and the Hays County Retiree Benefits Review Committee.


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