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San Marcos Fitness Coach: Four Tips To Achieve Your 2018 Fitness Goals

The new year is approaching, which also means it is time for people to create New Year’s resolutions. Each year, one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions is “I want to be healthier and get in better shape.”

Troy Taylor

The new year is approaching, which also means it is time for people to create New Year’s resolutions. Each year, one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions is “I want to be healthier and get in better shape.”

So many people resolve to do this, yet so many fall back into old and unhealthy habits. Why?

It’s important to remember that a resolution is not meant to be temporary, as temporary mindsets only result in temporary change. Transformation and noticeable, long-lasting results are always possible with self-awareness, consistent routines and healthy habits that lead to true lifestyle and fitness change.

Here are four tips on how to keep healthy living and working out as priorities in the new year:

1. Set new, obtainable goals

When creating fitness goals for the new year, it’s important to challenge yourself in a realistic way. Reflect back on your previous year’s progress, think about what worked and what didn’t, and identify setbacks that may occur so that they won’t deter your fitness progress later down the road. It’s also helpful to start slow and steady. Start scheduling two workouts a week and build up to a higher number instead of scheduling five workouts a week to start, which may not be sustainable as a starting point.

2. Schedule and track progress

Whether you’re a working professional, a college student, a parent, or a combination of these, the new year is often busy. Just as you plan and keep track of your schedule when it comes to work, school and other commitments, it’s important to think of your workouts, grocery shopping, food prepping and overall progress in the same way. Taking photos of yourself every few weeks, as well as using grocery lists or delivery services and fitness trackers such as Orangetheory’s app are all helpful, time-efficient tools that make necessary scheduling and tracking easier.

3. Fuel Your Body

Just as a car requires gasoline to run, your body also needs the right fuel. There are different types of foods to fuel your body that can influence your energy levels, muscle gains and weight loss. Lean proteins, green vegetables and complex carbs all help provide healthy nutrients before and after workouts, and drinking plenty of water throughout the day will help your body stay hydrated.

4. Consistency is Key

It might take someone seven days, seven weeks, seven months or seven years to reach a goal. Regardless of the time-frame, consistent action is the best way to create and see fitness changes in ourselves. Our expectations for progress may not always match our real-life progress, but acting consistently to reach our goals and pushing through feelings of discouragement will bring us closer to seeing the results we want to achieve. It’s okay to miss a day here and there—just be sure it only happens occasionally!

Make 2018 the year you stick to your New Year’s resolutions! Starting a new fitness and wellness journey can seem overwhelming, and at times, impossible.

However, staying on top of realistic goals, planning your workouts and what you eat, and staying consistent will help you achieve your best levels of health and fitness that you deserve not only in the new year, but also for your whole life.

Troy Taylor is a coach and regional director at Orangetheory Fitness. San Marcos’ Orangetheory Fitness studio.


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