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TDHCA: 2018 Housing Tax Credit Application Finalizes

The mission of the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs is to administer its assigned programs efficiently, transparently, and lawfully…

In preparation for the 2018 Housing Tax Credit (“HTC”) Application Cycle, the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (“TDHCA”) Multifamily Finance Division has posted the 2018 Multifamily Uniform Application and the 2018 Multifamily Programs Application Procedures Manual to its website at http://www.tdhca.state.tx.us/multifamily/apply-for-funds.htm.

To ensure an accurate review of submitted application information, applicants that entered information using the previously posted DRAFT 2018 Uniform Multifamily Application document MUST transfer all information to the new application; the new document includes revisions and formula updates not on the draft application.

If there are any problems with any of application forms, such as locked cells or formula errors, please contact TDHCA Multifamily Program Specialist Ben Sheppard at ben.sheppard@tdhca.state.tx.us or 512-475-2122.

More documents will be posted as they are finalized. If you have questions about any of the posted documents, please contact TDHCA Competitive HTC Program Administrator Sharon Gamble at sharon.gamble@tdhca.state.tx.us.

The mission of the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs is to administer its assigned programs efficiently, transparently, and lawfully and to invest its resources strategically and develop high quality affordable housing which allows Texas communities to thrive.

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